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Strategy Marketing

What's the plan?

Also referred to is a Marketing Strategy. We know that it should be reversed. It's all about the strategy first... then comes the actual driven tasks of the marketing. There are a lot of great marketing ideas to come up with. A creative and clever mind can build a great idea. However, in our company's combine experience with large and small organizations, a great idea doesn't necessarily get you the results you were seeking.


A great idea without an overall brand, and collaborative strategy across the organization and respective channels will deliver residual results. This concept may sound like common business sense or even easy. You would be surprised at how often an overall strategy is not taken in to consideration or the misunderstanding of what an overall strategy is and should be to deliver and maximize results. 



If you are a fortune 500 company, you may and do have the resources to test plans and strategies. What happens to the large, mid-size and small companies that do not have those resources or resources to waste? What happens if you do not have the resources to hire the strategy firms these large cap companies do? You decide to Turn the Tide with the right solutions backed up by data you didn't think you had the access to. 

According to Forbes, longer term customers end up being more profitable than single interaction customers. 
Keys to building these relationships are keeping in touch and tracking customer satisfaction, and reacting, over time.
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